Integrated accounting

Comprehensive client and office accounting.


​​Office and client accounting

LEAP Estates lets law firms perform complex accounting with ease. Handling client money, bank reconciliations, and recording billing activity, LEAP Estates ensures law firms are compliant with the Solicitors Regulations Authority rules and guidelines.

​​Seamless integration with Xero

LEAP Estates provides everything you need to run a firm in the cloud, with all matter accounting and SRA compliance needs met by LEAP Estates. For the nominal ledger, we integrate seamlessly and elegantly with Xero.

​​LEAP Estates makes it easy to follow your client accounting responsibilities so you can look after your client’s money safely. You can be confident all your billing activity from recoveries to disbursements will be recorded.

accounting - pre billing guide

Key benefits

Find out more

Book your obligation-free demonstration online today to find out what LEAP Estates can do for your firm.